Taking a TEAS Exam
Exam Information
Note: The deadline to take a TEAS exam for the summer and fall semester is April 1. The deadline for spring is October 1.
The total cost of the TEAS exam is $115.00 - $50.00 SXU registration fee, and $65.00 ATI testing fee. (including tax $69.06)
SXU is NOT an "open" TEAS testing center -- only current students or students who have applied to the nursing program can take an exam on the campus. The Office of Records and Registration administers TEAS exams each academic term.
The TEAS test is a requirement of all students interested in applying to Saint Xavier University's School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Only the TEAS exam will be accepted; any student who has taken a previous version must take the TEAS exam. For more information, students should review the following information:
- Saint Xavier University applicants can take the TEAS exam at Saint Xavier University or at their local community colleges where the TEAS exam is offered.
- TEAS testing information, including study guides and practice exams.
To register for a TEAS exam:
- Select a test date and pay the nonrefundable $50.00 registration fee with a credit card.
- The $65.00 TEAS exam fee must be paid on the day of the exam by way of credit card only, using any of the following cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover
- If you have questions regarding registering for a TEAS exam, please email academictesting@sxu.edu.